blooming Success Stories

meet jennifer smith

I recently graduated and was looking for help in branding myself in the best way possible. After gaps in employment and a late finish of my college degree, I was overwhelmed with options, the process, and recognized how much job hunting has changed over the years. Couple all that with trying to narrow down what I wanted to do and feeling unsure of what might be a good fit for me - I needed help!
Talking with Jenn the first time was easy, she was excited to help and was open to anything I needed. The best part about Jenn was having someone to talk to and encourage me when it got difficult. She kept me on a positive path.
I ended up with multiple job offers and because of her help focusing in on the type of work and the environment I wanted to be in, I felt confident taking the job I have now - which I absolutely LOVE. After the fact, I feel like I have made a friend and she has already assisted with some areas of my new job. I am forever grateful for the experience!

"she got to the heart of my struggles..."

At first the idea of booking a career coach was daunting; I had so many questions, I wasn’t sure where to start or what I needed, but I decided to work with Jenn because of her background and experience in HR. Working with Jenn completely changed my outlook on the job search process; she got to the heart of my struggles, and gave insightful feedback and practical tips on how to make my materials stronger. Not only did she come to our meeting prepared, but it was clear from the first 10 seconds of our conversation how much she loves coaching and talking all things careers. Her energy and enthusiasm kick started my drive to find something I’m equally excited about—I cannot recommend her enough and would absolutely work with her again. If you’re thinking about hiring a coach, don’t hesitate!

Jennifer, New JErsey

"Jenn helped me realize that I needed a whole new approach to my job search."

I was feeling pretty hopeless about my prospects of getting a job. I felt like my resume was just being sent to a void and never even seen, or it wasn't connecting with recruiters and HR in the way I needed it to. I was applying to several jobs a week, or even a few jobs a day, and not getting anywhere with it. The constant grind of rejection was beginning to wear on my mental well-being.

Jenn helped me realize that I needed a whole new approach to my job search. I only knew what I didn't want to do, but I had no idea what I actually wanted in a job or in an organization. I've never had someone sit down with me to figure out my skill set and my interests and help me merge those things into career options.

Jenn changed the process from me applying to any and every job into me setting myself up to be recruited for my dream job. I think everyone should do this kind of consultation at some point in their careers. It should be a class in school!

The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains.

John Doe

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings.

John Anderson

"After only applying to one company, I got the job!"

Before I started working with Jenn, I was in a place where phrases like this were running through my head, "this cannot be my life; I have better earning potential than this; I will not waste another year; the two-year mark after my divorce will find me able to support myself and live freely." But I didn’t know where to start, so I contacted Jenn.

Jenn is my career soulmate. Since receiving my new resume and implementing our job search strategy, I feel supremely empowered and very employable! My resume sparks joy! I could not believe that this was ME on paper. Jenn listened to me and captured both my professional accomplishment and my essence in such a way that gives me confidence. I love her format and details that add that something extra. Jenn is personable, a consummate professional, an excellent listener, and she exceeds expectations.

I used the motivation and career tools from Jenn to singularly focus on a position and company that met my work and life requirements with ZERO compromises. After only applying to one company, I got the job! I was able to relocate to a new city, and best of all, I am waking up blessed each day! I am very happy, and you will be too.

"...together we crafted a strategic career change strategy."

I had been teaching for 20 years. While I loved working with the kids and watching them learn and grow throughout the years, I was ready for a change. I wanted to serve the students in a different capacity. However, after teaching for 20 years, making a change is scary and risky. So, I reached out to Jenn for support.

Jenn was a great listener and she asked thoughtful questions to help me navigate a career change. After our initial conversations, I decided to apply for a Human Resources Recruitment Specialist position in my school system. She provided help identifying my transferrable skills, gave me detailed feedback and suggestions on my resume, cover letter, and together we crafted a strategic career change strategy.

I was elated when I was called for an interview! Jenn helped prepare me for a first, and then a second-round interview. She helped me anticipate potential questions and practice thoughtful responses. I’m so excited to announce that I got the job! I am now a Recruitment Specialist in my school system. Jenn is a hardworking, sincere person with many years of experience and expertise. She is fun and easy to work with – I highly recommend her for support when making a big career change.

Rebecca, Maryland

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid To Look Fabulous Over 50

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Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid To Look Fabulous Over 50